The eighteen-year-old Italian Alberto Forato will race with Husqvarna fc250 in the European Championship, Italian and International Championships of Italy.

Marco Maddii said: “I am very happy to work with Alberto because he is a force of nature. We have done some tests with our trainer Mario Resti and created a physical program specially for him, Alberto is our bet for next season!”
Corrado Maddii said: “I always liked Alberto because he is a fighter on the bike and this is what I love. I am sure he will show us his true potential and I hope to help him with my experience”.
Alberto Forato said: “I am very happy to start a new adventure with Marco and Corrado.
We already started working in the gym for next season, I feel good and I can not wait for the races to start."
The winter training has begun and the first appointment for the whole team will be next year for the internationals of Italy 2019.